Literary Ladies

A women’s book club open to all ages! The books may be fiction, but the connection and fellowship  is genuine.

     Literary Ladies book club was started in January 2020 by the founder of Paper Leaves, Gabrielle Tranel. It began as a way for friends and family to come together and bond over a shared love of reading. The Literary Ladies blossomed into a way for the community of book lovers that enjoy Paper Leaves Book Shop to create connections with one another. Meeting on the last Sunday of each month, the Literary Ladies book club discusses the previous novel, then votes together on the next book. When it comes to novel choices, anything is possible with genres such as romance, true-crime, mystery, and historical fiction all making their way to book of the month. If you are interested in becoming a Literary Lady yourself, women of all ages are welcome to join. Come hang out with us during our next meeting! If you’re looking for our current book, check our socials for the book of the month announcements.